Originally published in 1980, Audre Lorde's The Cancer Journals offers a profoundly feminist analysis of her experience with breast cancer & a modified radical mastectomy.
These are new times, and here is the new encyclopedia of manners geared to guiding us confidently and correctly through the rapidly changing maze of new lifestyles, customs, and ways of relating that epitomize this era.
But this is not a simple matter of rich and poor. A poor man in Glasgow is rich compared to the average Indian, but the Glaswegian's life expectancy is 8 years shorter.
And in listening to teenage mothers discuss their problems, Kaplan hears firsthand of their misunderstandings regarding sex, their fraught relationships with men, and their difficulties with the educational system - all factors that bear ...
This famous and bestselling book, recounting Norman Cousins' partnership with his doctors in overcoming a crippling and supposedly irreversible disease, is now available in a beautifully bound special gift edition.
Annotation Reports Nightingale's accomplishments in developing a public heath care system based on disease prevention. Includes papers, letters and "Notes on Nursing for the Labouring Classes."
“An absorbing examination of why humans feel affection and compassion for certain animals but are callous to the suffering of others.” —Publishers Weekly Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows offers an absorbing look at what ...