This book has reviewed the research undertaken on a broad range of reproductive health issues and their mental health determinants/consequences over the last 15 years from both high- and low-income countries.
E-books include the book 'Do It Yourself - Natural Eyesight Improvement-Original and Modern Bates Method & the entire 132 Issues, 11 years of Ophthalmologist Bates Better Eyesight Magazines in Original Antique Print & a modern text version ...
Změna životního stylu a jídelního prostředí s sebou přinesla zásadní proměnu stravování, řada lidí konzumuje jídlo nejen kvůli hladu a potřebě přežití.
Informal payments in the health sector of Eastern and Central Asia are emerging as a fundamental aspect of health care financing and a serious impediment to health care reform.
Furthermore, the paper provides examples of what has worked and how, and ends with an agenda for action to strengthen the work of policy-makers, their advisers and development partners as well as practitioners as they seek to integrate ...