This book has reviewed the research undertaken on a broad range of reproductive health issues and their mental health determinants/consequences over the last 15 years from both high- and low-income countries.
Změna životního stylu a jídelního prostředí s sebou přinesla zásadní proměnu stravování, řada lidí konzumuje jídlo nejen kvůli hladu a potřebě přežití.
Informal payments in the health sector of Eastern and Central Asia are emerging as a fundamental aspect of health care financing and a serious impediment to health care reform.
This book presents an account of the ideas, the diverse and shared efforts and the enduring hard work of women's health activists, drawn together in one volume for the first time.
Furthermore, the paper provides examples of what has worked and how, and ends with an agenda for action to strengthen the work of policy-makers, their advisers and development partners as well as practitioners as they seek to integrate ...
This practical information guide contains eight modules targeted at district and health facility staff, which seek to improve immunization services so as to reach more infants in a sustainable way, building upon the experiences of polio ...